Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Such is life! I have been trying to begin this blog for a few weeks now, but life keeps getting in the way. Single with four kids each with wants and needs, and with my mind overwhelmed with to do's and got to's, doesn't help! I didn't want to let my "to do" list to overtake my blog, but then I thought about it. Duh? The name of the blog is "Who's Life is it Anyway?" Who was I to think that I would get a moment to write? So I sit in the midst of it all, with my mind boggled with financial aid forms and back to school lists to start this blog about issues that may affect other women.
I have had this title for a long time, because I never feel like my life is my own. I can make plans, but one thing or the other always changes it up on me. Don't get me wrong I love my children, and I always figure it out, whatever "it" is, but sometimes get frustrated with the fact that I really can't just be.
If I started this blog five years ago, it would have been riddled with my life as wife and mother. Constantly trying to please someone that is on a different page is the most difficult thing I had ever had to do. I ultimately turned my page and moved on. It took twenty years, but I moved on. These twenty years got me thinking, why do women stay in relationships that are damaging to their being?
Well, there maybe many reasons, and I would love to hear from anyone out there, but I for one stayed because I thought I could make "it" work. I was married young and felt that we would learn over the years. I was strong and determined, and believed I could fix it. Over the years I became broken and a mere shadow of who I was. It wasn't until I reached the age of thirty that I realized that I can only fix one thing, ME! I started caring for myself, filling the void that he always left, and rediscovering the person I once was. Every thing, every responsibility as a mother, every chore as a homemaker, every aspect of day to day was on my shoulders. At the end of each day, I kept wondering, why is he here? Maybe only for the obvious benefit that a man fulfills (at least for my preference), but even that started to make me feel as though I was giving away my power. It wasn't worth my sanity. So, after those twenty learning years, I realized it was over. I wanted me back!
I have me now, along with previously mentioned endless responsibilities, but at least now I feel like I can do things my way. Rediscovering myself has been great! My passion to write and talk (as many who know me knows) is alive and well. I figured I will put it to use and maybe help or at the very least entertain others. Many things are new to me and in many instances I may feel naive, that's where you come in. I would love to hear your voices and experiences, maybe find that I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Duty calls, but before I go, let me know what you think.


  1. This is great! Thanks for opening up and letting us inside your brain! I can't wait to read more...

  2. You go girl! So proud of you for doing you. I love and respect that you do what you need for you!

  3. Congratulations on getting this up! I know it has been a vision of yours for a while. .
    Your first entry "Beginning" is inspiring. It comes from a real place/a place of yes/a place of trust the process and we will prevail.
    My journey has been similar but downsized with only one child and half the time (ten years) in a relatively similar relationship. I too left and have been living the single parent life for ten years. It sure is lonely but well worth it.

    What I want to know is what makes us move? What makes us turn our lives around and put ourselves and our futures first regardless of the consequences? For me, it was a the trauma of losing my sister Cathy. Her death was sudden. 21 days in a coma and then she was gone at age 39. I remembering walking away from her bedside wondering what she felt. She was my older sister but it was the time of her death that I became scared. Did I really know her? I know why she stayed in her marriage. The same reason why I did. For the kids and for fear of starting over/being alone.

    However, was she completely happy? I seriously doubted it. She was jipped. Cathy had no time to reflect. No time to fix anything in her life that was broken: her marriage, her self-esteem, etc. I had no time to ask her. My life changed from that moment on.

    I had time to miss her and reflect on my own toxic ten-year relationship that started at age 20 and consequently ended at age 30. Six months after losing her, I finished grad school, got a job at the Mason and made a decision. I left him. I planned a quiet exodus from THAT life and started a new one with my 6 year old boy. It wasn't pretty but we are surviving.

    Now I am 40 (yikes). Wow how I've changed.
    We are blessed to have the time to live and learn and build our lives around the beliefs and values that guide us. Things get fuzzy for me alot. Losing my way is a skill I have mastered. I forget where I am "going", what I need and what the priorities in life are but thanks to my sister I stop, dig deep and pull myself up for her and try to trust the "process". She didn't have the chance and I do. We all do.

    Jo, thank you!

  4. Thanks to my justice league! LOL

    Carol, very well said! Thanks for sharing! Time is of the essence and sometimes it takes some of us longer to realize our worth, but I will get into that in another post. Thanks again! :)

  5. I appreciate your honesty in this opening entry. It takes a special kind of person to put themself out there for the world to see. Stay true to yourself and I'll do my best to do the same!

  6. JOS,



  7. I can't seem to post my comment on the blog site but here it is: Thank you for writing this. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for revealing that we sometimes 'lose' ourselves. Thank you for using the word 'sanity'. Thank you for revealing that we get wounded and sometimes even damaged. Thank you for providing a brighter side....rediscovery, change, self-caring. Most of the time I feel as if I am merely existing...wondering when I will start living. What steps do I need to take to make this happen? What 'factors' have to be present for it to be the right time for me to take care of myself, make me happy??? I feel guilty when I allow my resposibilities to overwhelm me. Afterall, I am the mom, the mate, the daughter, the sister, the is my duty to make things happen, right. Self-sacrifice...I wish it was so simple. Thank you for affirming what I already knew, I'm not the only one. Thank you for writing this!

  8. Well said Jos! You are a truly gifted person. I am so happy that this journey has led you to this point in your life & that I'm blessed to share it with you :)

    Love always,

  9. The best writing is honest and revealing. It takes a lot of courage to allow others a glimpse into your life. I enjoyed reading this post. Great job!

  10. I married young and I do say to myself. "we will learn over the years..
