Sunday, August 21, 2011

Don't Worry! :)

I worried a little bit trying to get my sons off to their respective schools and stressed that I wouldn't be able to get everything done. I made mental lists, lists on my phone, lists on the computer, and lists on a notepad, just so I wouldn't forget anything. Each night I went to bed wondering how I was going to make it all happen, and woke up each morning with the same thought. I was driving myself and my children crazy. This is when talking to yourself comes in handy. (Sometime I wear headphones so people think I'm I took hold of my worries and stress and told myself, "Jos, doesn't it all work out each time? No matter how much you try to control things, you already know things will happen as they should." That's when I let go. I have faith in a higher being that has had my back all along, I have faith in myself when it comes to push and shove, and I have faith in my children to do what they need to do (sometimes with a little nudge.) The worries and stress fell to a workable level and I kept it moving, checking things off my lists! Some worrying might be healthy, but when it is controlling you and not letting you breathe, it becomes hazardous. Things get done, and folks move on to new worries and stresses, but instead of letting them be worries and stresses, take it as experiences. Mind over matter is what I always say. Sometimes I forget and I do have to remind myself, but with a positive mindset, I feel empowered to do what I got to do, knowing that I will be okay. And now, here I find myself sitting on my porch, feeling a calm breeze, knowing that my sons are okay, (with my girls at my heels, wondering if it's their turn to get ready for back to school), and I'm back on my blog. Things all work out how it's supposed to in the end.


  1. Not worrying is difficult. Sending off two of your children to college seems like a monumental task...Congrats on getting the job done!

  2. crazy! I definitely need to read something like this TODAY!! THANKS!!!
